Your Input Address Record File

This section describes the supported data formats for your input address record file and some address guidelines to ensure best performance.

Supported File Formats

MapMarker supports importing and exporting of address record files in the following data formats:
  • CSV — comma-separated values file. Delimiters supported are COMMA and SEMICOLON.
  • SHP — Shapefile format. Note, the relevant SHP files need to be zipped together and then uploaded in ZIP file format rather than uploading the files individually. The SHP .ZIP should contain the .DBF, .PRJ, .SHX, and .SHP files.
  • TAB — MapInfo TAB format. Note, the relevant TAB files need to be zipped together and then uploaded in ZIP file format rather than uploading the files individually. The TAB .ZIP should contain the .DAT, .ID, .MAP, and .TAB files.
To help you create an input address record file: CSV, SHP and TAB file templates are available for download on the Step 1: Upload File page.

Input Address Guidelines

Follow these address guidelines for best performance and results:
  • Your input address record file can contain addresses from multiple countries. Make sure you include the ISO Alpha-2 or Alpha-3 country code, or the common country name for each input address. For a listing of the supported countries and ISO country codes, see Supported Countries.
  • Ensure that your input addresses are as complete and accurate as possible. If there are errors in your input addresses, MapMarker may still be able to geocode those addresses, but the results may be less accurate.
  • Format your input addresses consistently. You can get more accurate and faster results if your addresses are consistently formatted and conform to postal address conventions.
  • It is recommended not to use whitespaces or special characters in the input address file name or in the column header names.